Cloud Layers Unified By Binormals (CLUBB) user license agreement.

Thank you for your interest in CLUBB. We work hard to create a code that implements the best software engineering practices, is supported to the extent allowed by our limited resources, and is available without cost to non-commercial users. You may use CLUBB if, in return, you abide by these conditions:

1. Please cite CLUBB in presentations and publications that contain results obtained using CLUBB.

2. You may not use any part of CLUBB to create or modify another single-column (1D) model that is not called CLUBB. However, you may modify or augment CLUBB or parts of CLUBB if you include "CLUBB" in the name of the resulting single-column model. For example, a user at MIT might modify CLUBB and call the modified version "CLUBB-MIT." Or, for example, a user of the CLM land-surface model might interface CLM to CLUBB and call it "CLM-CLUBB." This naming convention recognizes the contributions of both sets of developers.

3. You may implement CLUBB as a parameterization in a large-scale host model that has 2 or 3 spatial dimensions without including "CLUBB" in the combined model name, but please acknowledge in presentations and publications that CLUBB has been included as a parameterization.

4. You may not provide all or part of CLUBB to anyone without prior permission from Vincent Larson ( If you wish to share CLUBB with your collaborators without seeking permission, please ask your collaborators to register as CLUBB users at and to download CLUBB from there.

5. You may not use CLUBB for commercial purposes unless you receive permission from Vincent Larson.

6. You may not re-license all or any part of CLUBB.

7. CLUBB is provided "as is" and without warranty.

We hope that CLUBB will develop into a community resource. We encourage users to contribute their CLUBB modifications or extensions to the CLUBB development group. We will then consider them for inclusion in CLUBB. Such contributions will benefit all CLUBB users. We would be pleased to acknowledge contributors and list their CLUBB-related papers on our "About CLUBB" webpage ( for those contributors who so desire.

Thanks so much and best wishes for your research!

The CLUBB Development Group
(Present and past contributors to the source code include Vincent Larson, Chris Golaz, David Schanen, Brian Griffin, Joshua Fasching, Adam Smith, and Michael Falk).