Frequently Asked Questions about CLUBB

  1. What is CLUBB?
  2. Why do I need to agree to a license in order to check out CLUBB?
  3. How do I check out CLUBB?
  4. Where can I get more information on Git?
  5. How do I contribute to CLUBB?
  6. How can I find help with a question regarding CLUBB?

What is CLUBB?

The CLUBB parameterization is a single-column model of clouds and turbulence in the atmosphere.

Why do I need to agree to a license in order to check out CLUBB?

We request that you agree to a license in order to acknowledge the hard work put in by the many contributors to CLUBB.

How do I check out CLUBB?

With a GitHub account, you can use this command to check out the latest version of the CLUBB source code (from a Linux shell):

git clone

Where can I get more information on Git?

How do I contribute to CLUBB?

The easiest way is to create a patch file. This is done by:

git diff FILE > patch_file

Email Vincent Larson and his colleagues the patch files that you would like to see as part of the main branch of CLUBB, and we will consider including them.

How can I find help with a question regarding CLUBB?

Please email your question to The email will go to Vincent Larson and his colleagues at Univ. Wisc. --- Milwaukee.